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Which type of Skin Concerns do Chemical Skin Peels Treat

Using powerful ingredients to treat exactly what your skin concerns are; skin peels offer a marvelous method when over the counter products and your skincare routine are not working to keep away acne, blemishes, dull skin and more. They can be tailored for your face and body so that you can get the clear and smooth skin that you have always wanted.

What are Chemical Peels Used For?

A chemical peel is a rejuvenating resurfacing solution that is applied to the skin by your medical practitioner and addresses various individual skin concerns. Peels remove dead skins on the outer layers of your skin, clearing away superficial signs of discolouration, damage and fine lines, and promoting new skin growth.

Which type of Skin Concerns do Chemical Skin Peels Treat

What Are Chemical Peels Made Of?

Most chemical peels are made of naturally occurring, carefully formulated acids and they are classified by their depth of penetration. They will contain specific concentrations of the acid depending on what issue you're looking to address with the treatment. The more challenging the skin issue, the more likely your medical practitioner is to recommend a deeper treatment.

What types of chemical peels are there?

The types of chemical peel for the face are incredibly varied, each type tailored to the needs of the patient. The peels are divided into a few different categories that address the depth of the treatment, light, medium, and deep chemical peels. The strength of the peel is determined both by the skin texture and tone, but by the skin problem that one is trying to address. Melasma and hyperpigmentation require a different type of peel from fine lines and deeper wrinkles. In addition, darker skin tones require more gentle chemical peels than lighter skin types.

Light Chemical Peels

Light chemical peels, or superficial peels, are formulated with mild peeling agents to gently exfoliate the skin. The lightest chemical peels have an exfoliating chemical solution that only affects the top layer of the skin (epidermis).

Medium-depth peels For

  • fine wrinkles
  • sun-damaged skin
  • minor hyperpigmentation
  • minor acne scars

Medium-depth peels take 7–14 days to heal. They cause swelling that worsens for 48 hours after the treatment and may cause blisters.

Deep peels

Dermatologists do not usually use deep chemical peels. For issues affecting the deeper layers, laser therapy often provides better resultsTrusted Source. However, a dermatologist may recommend a deep peel if a person has:

  • moderate to severe sun damage
  • moderate to severe wrinkles
  • moderate to severe hyperpigmentation

Do I need a chemical peel?

If you want to look healthier and more youthful by enhancing your general complexion, a chemical peel can help. Looking youthful means more than smoothing out wrinkles and plumping sagging skin – it’s about that natural glow.

Chemical peels can work on different issues to other aesthetic treatments such as fillers and Botox (which are not used for skin tone, age spots, acne and general radiance). The beauty of chemical peels is that they can help with all these issues while also helping to smooth wrinkles and improve the texture and elasticity of the skin.

There is even a peel range available for those who have sensitive skin and rosacea. Their versatility makes chemical peels an invaluable tool for your beauty arsenal.

Here are incredible benefits of Chemical Peels:

  • It can help improve acne. During a light chemical peel treatment, your skin will be exfoliated using an alpha or beta hydroxy acid. Done in a series of treatments, these peels can improve mild to moderately severe cases of acne, giving you the clear complexion you’ve always wanted.
  • It can improve the appearance of scars. Moderate chemical peels can treat both surface acne and some light scarring. To improve the appearance of significant scars, a deeper peel or alternative treatment may be required. We'll help determine which option is right for you.
  • It can address pigment issues. This skin treatment is a great way of correcting pigmentation issues such as hyperpigmentation, melasma, and age spots. It can be effective for pigmentation on your face, hands, neck, and chest.
  • You’ll enjoy better skin tone and texture. Besides addressing your skin concerns, a chemical peel will also stimulate the growth of fresh, new skin. This will improve the overall appearance and texture of your skin, giving you a beautiful glow.
  • You’ll be able to maximize the potential of your skin care products. By removing the top layer of dead skin cells, chemical peels will allow your skin care products to be absorbed more deeply so that they can work with the maximum effect.

Does Getting A Chemical Peel Hurt?

Lots of people express concern that a chemical peel will be painful. The deeper the chemical peel, the more likely you are to experience some discomfort, stinging or burning during the treatment - but any discomfort is minor and over quickly. Speak to us before your consultation if you're concerned about pain during your treatment, or if you think you have particularly sensitive skin - we will be happy to advise

What Happens at a Chemical Peel Appointment at Eudermiz?

The first part of your appointment will be given over to examining your skin, having an in depth conversation about your expectations, and letting you know what to expect during and after your treatment. It's especially important with chemical peel treatments to make sure that each patient is a good candidate and you may be asked to use topical skin preparation beforehand and in the Clinic.

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